Worlds smallest engine is the size of an Atom

4 Piston Engine

Well, what if we would say that scientists have created the smallest engine ever, in which a connection is replaced by a single atom of calcium. By heating and cooling the electrically -charged atom, an ionic calcium -40, they were able to turn heat energy into useful work of the atom itself. In principle, this is exactly the same process as in natural petrol powered engine of a car, but this
atom sized small motor could prove to be more efficient. This type of device can trap and hold atoms in a force field of electrical energy.Its invention won the Nobel Prize by Wolfgang Paul for physics in 1989 for, after whom it is named. To work this engine, heat and cooling is applied to the atom calcium ion. Heat is provided by continuous electrical 'noise' inside the trap, which normally can be turned on and off, and on the other hand Cooling is provided by a laser, and is continuously on. This new engine has already exceeded that limit, achieving an efficiency of 28 per cent, and the researchers hope to enhance it further to produce even more efficiency. Mr Rossnagel said: 'Our results shows that machines can be reduced to single atoms.This offers future experiments into single ionic refrigerators and pumps, and of  quantum effects in thermodynamics.
Worlds smallest engine is the size of an Atom


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